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Starting College in the US

As students get ready to start university in the United States, many families are thinking about campus safety. After traveling thousands of kilometers from home, the idea of setting up home abroad can be daunting. While campuses take measures to thwart big safety concerns such as gun violence or natural disasters, it’s impossible to predict every possible problem that might arise. But, day-to-day safety is top of mind at US universities and they take it seriously.

Leverage Campus Resources

Most US universities have buy dissertation papers online campus security departments who work in cooperation with the local police. The office of safety and security strives to ensure that the campus is a place where everyone is able to enjoy rewarding experiences.

There are safety officers who provide rides or escorts before dawn and after dark – so if you have an early morning lab or a late night study session, don’t feel shy to call campus security for a safe ride to your destination. Many universities have safety telephones that can be used in the event of an emergency or suspicious situation. Keep an eye out for them on your walks across campus. It’s also helpful to save the numbers for campus security and local police on your mobile phone.

Dormitories are typically kept secure with key pass entry for residents only. If you enter your dorm using your key pass, do not simply hold the door open for the next entrant, because you never know if they live there or not.